Community, Commitment, Collaboration
Community, Commitment, Collaboration
"Go the extra mile! it is never crowded there"
February 2023
I was a guest on the Black Out Podcast. This episode can be found on all major platforms, or you can have a listen by clicking here.
January 19th - 2023
In collaboration with the Nova Scotia Criminal Justice Association, and HRM Public Safety Office, I hosted a panel discussion on Drug Decriminalization in Halifax. This panel consisted of senior folks in the field from a variety of disciplines sharing their insights and knowledge on decriminalization of drugs in Halifax.
November 28th - 2022
Facilitated a discussion on Black men's mental health with 25+ Black men and Women in collaboration with Mauya.
November 15th - 2022
Moderator of a panel discussion for the Association of Fundraising Professions, to celebrate National Philanthropy Day.
November 12th - 2022
Panelist with Research Ed Canada to discuss inclusion, student behavior and school culture.
July 29th-31st - 2022
Co-chair for the National Black Canadian Summit hosted by the Michaelle Jean Foundation.
March 31st - 2022
Provided discussion and presentation to Mount Saint Vincent University Management staff on overcoming systemic racism and the responsibility to fix it.
March 30th - 2022
Alongside Megan Neaves, we provided a Systemic Racism and White Privilege workshop for the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission staff.
February 25th - 2022
Can media really make or break us? A panel discussion by the Halifax Black Film Festival.
October 22nd - 2021
Alongside Megan Neaves, we provided a Systemic Racism and White Privilege workshop for Nova Scotia Teachers for Equity in Education (NSTAEE). There were 190 teachers from HRCE across the Province of Nova Scotia.
October 16th - 2021
As a member of the planning committee for the first inaugural Black Policy Conference, I participated on a Provincial panel discussion on resilience and resistance and discussed the BLM movement for the region.
October 14th 15th -2021
Alongside Megan Neaves, we provided a Systemic Racism and White Privilege workshop for staff members of United Way Halifax.
September 26th - 2021
In collaboration with the Halifax Municipal Government, alongside Kate Macdonald, we hosted the first Block party cookout to end of an amazing summer.
August 1st - 2021
As a member of Game Changers902, we hosted the first annual Emancipation Day celebration for the city of Halifax. We saw close to one-thousand people participate. We carried conversation on racism, social justice and the meaning of Emancipation Day. We saw performances and speeches by Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard.
June 7th - 2021
Hosted the Maritime Fundraising Conference Panel. The panel theme was based upon racial inequities within the fundraising sector. We also focused on the "Unfunded" Report by the Federation for Black Communities.
May 27th - 2021
Invited by Dalhousie University, as a panelist for their event titled "Speak Truth to Power - Has the Needle Moved on Systemic Racism in the Past Year?"
May 10th - 2021
I join Dylan Elias, Kwame Osei, and Ismenia Castillo on "The Perspective on Mentoring" Podcast Champions Edition. We discussed many challenges I have faced throughout my life; my perspectives of youth mentoring and I shared an unreleased spoken word. Tap into the conversation here.
May 2nd - 2021
I join Augy Jones on his new podcast "Empathize Others" to discuss community initiatives and what community means to me.
April 26th - 2021
I participated in a panel discussion with Folami Jones, the conversation was about "How to be an ally effectively?". This discussion was for Rotary International.
April 24th - 2021
Alongside Megan Neaves, we provided a Systemic Racism and White Privilege workshop for nearly 100 members of the Nova Scotia Teachers union. Executive members of the union were also on the call.
April 17th - 2021
I joined the "Perspektiv Podcast" Champions Edition, to discuss mentoring and youth work.
April 20th - 2021
I Participated in this National discussion as a panelist talking about solutions to the current Canadian Justice system. The discussion is titled Re-imagining Justice and featured a panel discussion on the current realities affecting Canadians of Black/Caribbean and African descent who face the inequalities of racial discrimination and violence in proximity to the criminal justice system. The panel featured key players from various sectors and will sought to answer some of these key questions:?
What do solutions from all levels of government look like for BIPOC communities?
What do tangible actions look like for resolution on the current realities in within the federal justice system?
April 13th - April 14th - 2021
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided a workshop to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Halifax. This workshop was pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege.
February 24th - 2021
Provided a presentation to John Martin Junior High in Halifax Nova Scotia. The conversation consisted of a discussion on life, racism and leadership.
February 24th - 2021
As an invited presenter for the North End Community Health Clinic in Halifax, Nova Scotia I provided a presentation on Systemic Racism, White Privilege and Ally-ship. There were 60 people in attendance.
February 22nd & February 23rd - 2021
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided a workshop to Nova Scotia Nurses College. This workshop was pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege
February 10th - 2021
Interviewed by students at Chebucto Heights elementary school about myself, upbringing and how to make positive change.
February 10th - 2021
Speaking to students at Rockingham Junior High in regard to black history month
February 10th - 2021
As a panelist, invited by Department of Health and Wellness, we discussed social determinants of health affection persons of African Descent.
February 5th - 2021
Invited by Westmount Elementary school to speak to their grade 6 class. We discussed racism, discrimination, how it makes people feel and ways we can all help. We also touched on topics such as leadership and being a good person.
February 4th - 2021
Invited by Infinitus Academy for their "Power Panel" Series. As one of four panelists, we discussed the current social realities for persons of African Descent, the importance of self-care and centering and celebrating black cultural power.
November 25th - 2020
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided a virtual workshop to coaches, players and parents of Basketball Nova Scotia as well as other sports related organizations in Nova Scotia. This workshop was pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege.
November 25th - 2020
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided a virtual workshop to the all parent and family resource centers in the province of Nova Scotia. This workshop was pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege.
November 19th- 2020
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided a workshop to New Dawn Enterprises. New Dawn are based n Cape Breton and offer a multitude of services to members of different communities, including but not limited too new comers, immigrants and members of the BIPOC community. This workshop was pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege.
November 15th - 2020
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided a workshop to a workshop to the Shoppers Drug mart employees in the Mic Mac Mall complex. This workshop was pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege.
November 12 - 2020
Invited as a guest to 'Soul Talk', this is a platform that is hosted by spoken word artist Kanar Bell. this event was hosted live on air and in person at Halifax. I was asked to share some poetry and events in my life that have shaped me.
October 17th & 24th - 2020
Invited as a guest to speak to youth in the A.R.T. Basketball League. A.R.T. is an "Anti-Racist Tournament", founded by Professional Basketball player Chris Johnson of Tunnel Vision Association. This league brings together hundreds of young people from across Halifax Regional Municipality to come together to compete and learn from various guest speakers sharing their experience with basketball and racism and how we can all move together positively.
October 21st - 2020
Invited by the Dalhousie school of Architecture, I was an invited guest on a panel to discuss acts of systemic racism. The event title is "Resistance as practice, acts of anti-racism through architecture and planning".
October 15th - 2020
As a founding member of Game Changers902, I along with Kate Macdonald and Trayvone Clayton were invited as a panel by the Dalhousie Black Law Student Association to discuss the work we do in community. The conversation centered around the Black Lives Matter Movement, our thoughts on Breonna Taylors murder and solutions for moving forward.
October 10th - 2020
With the Municipal elections for the city of Halifax on the horizon. The Game Changers902, hosted an official Mayoral Debate for the city of Halifax with Mayor Mike Savage and Max Taylor (two of the official candidates). The questions were focused on the Black Lives Matter Movement, affordable housing and solutions for a better city.
October 5th - 2020
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided a workshop to the Elizabeth Fry Society staff members. This is a women's only group, they work with formerly incarcerated women. This workshop was pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege.
September 10th & October 8th -2020
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided two workshops to a Non-profit organization in Nova Scotia called Inspiring Communities. This workshop was pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege.
August 25th & September 17th - 2020
As a Consultant with Impowered Community Engagement and Consulting, Megan Neaves (CEO) and I provided two workshops to Nova Scotia Power pertaining to Systemic Racism and White Privilege.
August 13th - 2020
I was an invited guest speaker at the Teens Now Talk Stomp Out Racism Rally in Halifax, NS. I talked about the importance of speaking out, taking responsibility and coming together to end racism.
July 16th - 2020
As a co-founder of Game Changers 902, I alongside Trayvone Clayton and Kate MacDonald were invited to be the official ambassadors for Halifax Pride 2020. Kate MacDonald and I provided the opening speech to kick off pride 2020. This was a true honor for me, and I am forever grateful.
July 9th - 2020
As a Manager with the Municipal Government of Halifax, I was asked to present alongside the Public Safety Advisor for the Municipality on Defunding the Police. I provided a working definition of defunding the police, discussed what it meant and the positive implications it may have.
July 5th & July 12th - 2020
As a co-founder of the Game Changers902, we provided a series of virtual workshops over a two Sundays. These workshops focused on Anti-Oppression, Racism & White Privilege and Black Mental Health.
July 4th - 2020
I was invited to be a guest speaker at the Artists Untie Rally. This event featured over 20 of Halifax top talent in the musical industry. The rally was in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement.
June 27th - 2020
I was invited to the virtual 'Drink Atlantic' online drink festival. Drink Atlantic is one of the largest drink festivals in Nova Scotia, features some of the most premium spirits and provides a host of workshops as well. I was invited to share information about ACCE and how we are supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.
May 6th, May 13th, May 20th - 2020
As a member of ACCE, we collaborated with the Department of Community Services, Health Association for African Canadians and African Nova Scotian Affairs office. I was the moderator for this virtual provincial youth town hall series. The series was titled "Black Wellness: Not to distant to talk". During this series we talked about mental health, physical health and community engagement. We provided Dr Cinera states to offer her expertise throughout the three sessions. We engaged with over 7 thousand people. To learn more visit facebook.com/accehfx.
April 2nd - 2020
Moderator of a panel discussion including the founder of Smooth Meal Prep and RNB Kitchen and Bradley Daye of Place Making for Good (P4G). The discussion consisted of Covid-19, and how they managed to maintain and thrive during these difficult times.
March 6th - 2020
I was the moderator for the Dalhousie University 'Shift Equity' conference panel. The Panel was titled "Who gives a shift?", the panel consisted of Ellen Smith, Ashley Hill, Josh Creighton and Andre Anderson. We discussed ways the municipality could improve development, issues and challenges facing marginalized communities and how the provincial government could assist.
March 5th - 2020
Invited by Guidance Counsellor John Moshett, I spoke to a group of grade 3's and 4's. The group was all young black children, we discussed racism, discrimination, how it makes people feel and solutions they could use to stop it.
February 28th - 2020
I was invited by the Nova Scotian Provincial Minister of African Nova Scotian affairs Tony Ince. My task was to speak about youth engagement, the current challenges and provide potential solutions. We were speaking to the Canadian Congress of Black Parliamentarians. This group is a conglomerate of Black politicians from across Canada.
February 28th - 2020
As a guest into the "Role Models on the Road" program by the Business Is Jammin program of the Black Business Initiative. I was a guest panelist at Ridgecliff Junior high school. As a panelist our objective was to speak to the youth about our challenges, obstacles and success and provide helpful advise to steer them in the right direction.
February 19th - 2020
Guest Speaker with Youth Art Connection. I was invited to speak to a group of youth who participate weekly in the Hub HFX program. We engaged and discussed different ways of making change.
February 1st - 2020
IDEALaw Conference Youth Justice Panelist.
Presented by Social Activist Law Students Association (SALSA). IDEALaw is a bi-annual conference hosted by SALSA that aims to bring together people and ideas at the intersection of law and social activism. This year's theme, Law, Social Activism and the Media, explores how these forces impact and shape each other.
November 18th - 2019
Panelist - Dalhousie University
Panelist for a discussion on Policing Black Lives, hosted by the Diversity & Equity Committee at Dalhousie University.
November 18th - 2019
Honored Guest/Speaker
Upon the heels of a complete ban on Street Checks by the Nova Scotia Justice Minister. 902 Man Up is hosting a panel discussion on the future of policing and where we are headed now. I was invited as an honored guest along with other community leaders and asked to address the crowd upon listening to the panel.
November 9th- 2019
Nova Scotia Brotherhood 2nd Annual Black Men's Health Conference
Invite by the Nova Scotia Brotherhood, I was the Master of Ceremonies for the duration of the day. This conference focused ont he social determinants of health affecting black men.
October 22nd-25th - 2019
United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent - Workshop Presenter
A workshop focusing on two critical topics affecting the black community; Access to justice & Youth Engagement. My focus was youth engagement and focusing on how to better engage black communities and reasons why youth may not engage.
October 1st-3rd - 2019
Intergovernmental meeting on Family Led Decision Making
An invitee to a meeting with various levels of government to discuss a new model of family led decision making for African Nova Scotian Families.
October 2nd - 2019
Halifax Regional Municipality meeting with Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
Lead/presented during a meeting with the CAO of Halifax on the state of black employees, their experiences and treatment while working for Municipal Government.
September 26th - 2019
Association of Black Social Workers International Conference
I was invited to sit on a panel discussion for the international conference organized by the Association of Black Social workers. The discussion entailed the disparities faced by black youth + communities.
September 14th - 2019
Delmore "Buddy" Daye Learning Institute - Financial Literacy Workshop Presenter
Lead by David Divine Jr, this workshop main focus was financial literacy for the black community of Halifax. My topic to present on was Personal Branding and Contract Negotiation.
September 1st - 2019
Mount Saint Vincent University - Presidents Welcome Dinner Keynote Speaker
Welcomed new students locally & internationally to Mount Saint Vincent University with a keynote speech involving community engagement, focusing and sharing my MSVU experiences.
August - 2019
Saint Mary's University - Presentation to Social Work class
Invited to present to undergraduate students on community engagement. We discussed topics such as police street checks, racism and discrimination and suggestions to improve conditions for black Nova Scotians.
June - 2019
St Georges Youth Net - Junior Leadership Training
Created and delivered the Junior Leadership training course for the Junior leaders working in the St Georges Youth Net summer camps.
June - 2019
Halifax Regional Center for Education - Amherst
Provided a speech to approximately 50 people in regard to youth, adults to take responsibility for our young people and for youth to get engaged in their communities.
March 21 - 2019
Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission - Panelist "Unpacking Systemic Racism: The Realities & Responsibilities"
Participated in a panel discussion hosted at the Delmore Buddy Daye Learning Institute. This panel discussion was created by the NS Human Right Commission to bring to light the realities faced and the hardships caused by systemic racism. https://www.facebook.com/AfricanNSAffairs/
March 2 - 2019
Halifax Black Film Festival - Panelist "Diversity in The Workplace"
Sharing experiences and best practices in regards to improving diversity in the workplace.
February - 2019
St Georges Youth Net - Black History discussion
By invite, I spoke to a group of young black women about black history and community initiatives they wanted to partake in their community. The young women talked a lot about stopping gun violence and doing things for the young kids in their community.
February - 2019
Phoenix Youth & Community Center - Black history month celebration
Invited by Phoenix Youth & Community Center in the Mulgrave Park community to their Black History Month community celebration. I spoke about being involved in your community, taking care of each other and performed an original spoken word piece.
February 2019
Mount Saint Vincent University, "Being Black in the Education System" Panel Moderator
Created an event titled "Being Black in the Education System" this event was comprised of a multitude of experiences from various sectors and age brackets. The panelists shared their experiences to 70+ people about the challenges facing black students in Nova Scotia today.
June 9th - 2018
Keynote Speaker- Delmore "Buddy" Daye Learning Institute, Inaugural Ancestral Roots Awards Ceremony
I spoke as the Keynote Speaker for the 1st annual awards ceremony. My main points to the crowd were to "Turn The Lights On". Meaning we need to lead from behind and involve young people in any and all decisions to foster a cohesive environment in the Black community amongst youth and the older generation.
March 22nd - 2018
Mount Saint Vincent University Panelist- 1110 Intro to Child & Youth Studies
By initiation of Dr Christine Mclean, I sat on a panel with past MSVU graduates of the Child & Youth Studies Program from various years. I spoke about my experience in the program, "No jobs in the field" and different ways I have worked with youth and communities.
March 21st - 2018
Mount Saint Vincent University Panelist- Feminist Collective Panel Series 'Transcending Toxic Masculinity'
Invited by the MSVU Feminist Collective, I was an invited panelist along with Robert Wright, Dr. Maya Eichler and Dr. Bruce Dienes. I spoke about my experience working in communities across HRM and how Toxic Masculinity has affected populations I have worked with. https://www.facebook.com/events/152658618745086/
March 6th - 2018
St. Georges Youth Net Guest Speaker
During my visit I engaged approximately 15 black females in a conversation about their community and things they are passionate about. The discussion consisted of topics such as "What does it mean to be a black female?" "What kinds of things have you experienced?". We engaged in solution focused conversation about what we could do about things in their community and what issues they wanted to solve. Unanimously, 'Shootings in our community' were issues that they wanted to pursue to change.
December 4th - 2017
Dalhousie University Guest Speaker - Introduction to Community Social Work (SLWK 2010.01)
I was invited in as a guest speaker to speak to the Social Work class on community engagement. The main points I wanted to instill were "Community doesn't engage in what you do, they engage in why your doing it". Also, with any community project or initiative that affects the community directly or indirectly; the community must have a "meaningful" seat at the table.
July 1st - 2017
Round table Host - Immigration swearing in ceremony for new Canadians.
This event was organized by the Institute for Canadian Citizenship. Prior to the official swearing in ceremony, community members and partners - from city leaders to neighbors are invited to host ICC round tables. These opportunities are a unique opportunity to share stories and reflect on what it means to be Canadian.
May 31st - 2017
Pathways to Education - Keynote Speaker
The Pathways to Education program in Spryfield was graduating a cohort of high school students from their program and I was invited as a keynote speaker to address their graduating class.
January 28th, 2017
Roots and Branches: Sustainable Approaches to Gendered Violence Prevention - Invited Speaker
The Nova Scotia Gendered Violence Prevention Network is excited to host Roots and Branches: Sustainable Approaches to Gendered Violence Prevention, a gathering of local researchers, community-based service providers and policymakers. Over this one-and-a-half-day event, we aim to take stock of the state of the gendered violence prevention community of practice in Nova Scotia and to strategize about how we can support each other as we work for a future without violence, whether structural or interpersonal. For this gathering, the NSGVPN has identified three major cluster areas: Supporting Indigenous Women and Girls, Working with Men and Boys, and Promoting Healthy Relationships with Youth. The day's programming will focus on these areas of gendered violence prevention.
January 21st, 2017
Justice, Arts & Youth Action Event Panelist
The Justice, Art & Youth in Action Initiative is a collaborative project lead by the Michaëlle Jean Foundation(www.fmjf.ca), The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia(artgalleryofnovascotia.ca), and Youth Art Connection (youthartconnection.ca). The project aims to address justice issues, including the legacy of the Indian Residential Schools, the over-representation of African Nova Scotians in the criminal justice system, intimate partner violence, and the violence LGBTQ youth face.
June 10th, 2016
Lockview High School
Invited back to the school for a second time to provide a presentation to 3 consecutive African Canadian studies class, the presentation was comprised of materials focusing on challenges, contributions and achievements mad by African Canadians today.
October 20th, 2015
Eastern College
My colleague and I spoke to a class of 1st and 2nd year diploma students on working with children, youth and families and some of the successes, challenges and opportunities when working in the field.
November 13th, 2016
Community Justice Society Conference - Social Justice in Our Communities: What does it take to make a just community’
My colleague and I were presenting under the block 'Restorative Practices in Punitive Systems', our topic we presented on was youth poverty in HRM and across Canada. The most up to date statistics and information were presented on youth homelessness, youth and family poverty, low-income cut off and other relevant topics pertaining to youth poverty.
January 30th , 2016
Dalhousie Legal Aid Service - Social Justice Soiree
During this event I had spoken about youth, families and communities I have the privileges of working with across HRM. Some key messages during this session were to take a collective approach to ensure those around you are doing well, to banish the thought of "being realistic" as it confines you to non-creative thinking and get out and volunteer and meet people.
February 22nd, 2016
Dalhousie University - 2nd year social work students
Compiled and presented information on youth work that I have done past and present as well as shared some current and up-coming programs and projects I am working on. Had a healthy discussion about racism and discrimination in HRM and discussed issues such as gentrification, displacement and assimilation.
February 27th, 2016
Mount Saint Vincent University Africentric Support Group - Fundraiser fashion show
The Africentric Support Group (ASG) at MSVU exists to better serve the black student population currently studying at MSVU. The fashion show titled "Fabric of our DNA" is one of many fundraisers that aims to raise money to go towards developing a scholarship for black students at MSVU. I had the honor of being the master of ceremonies and the privilege to represent the ASG and MSVU to come together for a night of fun, design and laughter all for a good cause.
March 23rd , 2016
Lockview Highschool
I was invited by Lockview Highschool teachers to talk about current youth work, community stigmatization and how racism and discrimination affect youth.